watch-out your neighbor!!   

It has become a common sight, walking around the halls of residence to see a note on the wall asking if anyone who saw a missing item to come forward and report it. 

Most of the time, there is a cash reward for anyone with any useful information that would lead to the recovery of the lost item. These lost items range from laptops and stretches to phones, books, bed sheets, clothes, shoes and even sandals. In campus, you shouldn’t trust easily. Some of those who frequently lose their items and keep on writing notes with promising rewards but to no avail now write the opposite. Instead of rewards, they now promise death, eating grass and chronic infections to the thieves. The thieves on the other side are so familiar with the people they steal from, that they know the much they can do. They don’t get frightened by the threats. All the same, the items are rarely recovered and the owner ends up giving up on the note-writing.
Theft in campus has taken a charge on students. It’s not anything new and still troubles the hostel custodians. The reason behind this is; the intruder is always a fellow student. In most cases, your closest friend who has had a financial crisis and is in need of quick cash. They have studied your schedule, so when you are not looking, they conceal your key and make a copy. In order to make the theft more believable, they mess up your room, scattering things all in the name of giving an impression that someone was actually searching for something. This is why those notices seldom bear results. One might lose their phone, money and even clothing. Funnily enough, nobody suspicious will ever be spotted coming out of their rooms.
Accusations will always be flying and often, the thief is the first one to point a finger at someone else. They say it in a convective way that the theft victim believe that they really are the thieves. After a while, the theft victim has to accept and move on. When they last decide to go shopping in the nearby market, the victims are more than amazed to find their items up on sale. When they inquire how they got there, they are told of their friends and not whoever fingers was pointed at initially.


  1. Replies
    1. long time ago friends in need were friends indeed. nowadays friends indeed are parasites. watch your friends. love them but dont trust them at all. ata mimi.... hahaaaa

  2. tell them to think before they leap M.R Bett

  3. students should be more carefull

  4. actually at times that neighbour of yours or friend could be your enemy


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